Data Storage

Database Storage

Nosql databases: Choose a way to store product information for e-commerce

Amazon Web Services DynamoDB, MongoDB, Couchbase, MarkLogic are examples of databases NoSQL that can offer you a convenient way of storing product information.

The way the e-commerce website stores information on goods has a tangible impact on business success.

NoSQL is a database technology that can help any Internet store to become even more successful in its case. To understand how this technology works, we'll figure out what product information is and how difficult it can be.

Goods attributes

Most e-commerce platforms store product information in relay databases. Let's say we have a red T-shirt size S with our unique number and an artic (SKU). That's what the table would look like with all the data on this product:
Each of these attributes requires a column in the database table. The line of the table provides complete information on the goods.

For a website that only sells shirts, that could be enough. Additional lines can be presented in the table for, for example, the same T-shirt, but four sizes and two colours.
The request for any of the goods from such a table would be relatively simple, and the result should be downloaded quickly. But what if, besides the T-shirts, the Internet store sells trousers with another set of attributes? Let's say the abdomen size is not measured by standard S, M and L, but by the plates and the inner stitch.

Additional columns will be required in the table:
In this case, Data storage It could also work, but imagine what would happen if more types of goods were added to the base.

Each new type will require several new attributes, not including prices, discounts, weight, dimensions, etc.

Thus, a very fast table of the merchandise database will grow to hundreds or thousands of columns. Besides, most of the columns will be empty. Little Red T-shirts will only take five columns, leaving everyone else unfilled.

Separate tables for each individual type of product can be created to prevent such a waste of space in the database.

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