Data Storage

Storage Of Archival Data By Pheterburg

verbal obscuration /b par-potterburg grad/b provincial branch ébulargiwa /b grade
Центры архивного хранения магнитных носителей информации и других

On 28 January (8 February) 1724, a Academy of Sciences and Arts was established by Order of Emperor Petr I of the Government Senate in St Petersburg.

The Academy of Sciences Archive was established by the Decree of Emperor Petr II Alexeiwich as the repository of documents of the Conference (General Assembly) of the Academy of Sciences. The first mention of the activities of the Conference Archives is dated 6 January (17 January - new style) 1728, when the President of the Academy of Sciences, Lavrentia Lavrentievic Blumentrost (Laurentius Blumentrost; 1692-1755) appointed the head of the Academic Archives, Gerguller Müdor Ivanovich (Gerberghry)

During the first period of its existence, Arkhiv was a structural unit of the Conference (General Assembly) of the Academy. The minutes of meetings of the Conference, " correspondence learning " , were kept here. Academies with academic institutions, societies, documents of individual scientists, mostly foreign. In XVIII, at the same time as the archive of the Conference, there was an archive of the Office of the Academy, which kept economic and management records. In 1803, a committee of the Academy ' s Board was formed and another archive was transferred in 1912 to the Conference Archive. The archives of the Conference were located on the second floor of the Kunskkamera building on the banks of the Great Nev, and later near the former Palace, the Queen of Praskovy Fedorovna, the wife of King Ivan Alekseiwich (Pater I brother), who was transferred to the Academy of Sciences in 1725.

b. Palace of the Queen of Praskovy Fedorovna

1922. The General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences decided to designate the Archive of the Conference as a separate entity within the Academy. Arkhiv became a general academy and consolidated the archives of the Conference and the Board of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1926, the AN SSR Bureau decided to retain the academies ' manuals and documents in the Archive of the Academy of Sciences. The Order laid the foundation for the archival profile, which today characterizes the storage of not only the official records, but also the personal funds of the Academy of Sciences and other distinguished scientists.

In 1963, the Moscow office was transformed into the AN SSR Archiv and the Leningrad academic archive into its branch.

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