Data Storage

Duration Of Employee Personal Data

Document retention time


Labour relations, as well as their processing, are regulated by the Labour Code. Article 85 of this document contains a pond

the identity of the employee. This is information on the specific worker required by the employer in connection with the work relationship.

The processing by the employee ' s personal data organization is to obtain, store, combine, transmit or use personal data. Under article 87, paragraph 2, of the Labour Code, the storage and storage procedures Use of personal data Employees shall be appointed by the employer unless it is regulated by law.

The organization has the right to decide on its own. They may be assigned to all employees of the company or to certain categories (e.g. management).уничтожение_документов Individual cases must be processed in accordance with the existing records management rules.

According to paragraph 3.5.3. of the Basic Rules for the Archives of the Organizations (approved by a decision of the Rosarhiwa College) " Disclosures ... shall be formed throughout the period of the work of the person in the organization " .

The case is filed following the issuance of an order of appointment. All documents in a personal case are filed in chronological order as they become available.списание_документов They are stored in the safe by companies and only a certain category of staff who have access to personnel information. Changes in personal affairs are made by staff of the Personnel Division. If there is no such post in the organization, the accountant.

A list of documents that are attached to a personal case can be found in paragraph 5 of Presidential Decree No. 640 of 01.06.98, on the procedure for the conduct of personal affairs of persons replacing public office of the Russian Federation in the order of appointment and public office. Although the document regulates the conduct of public affairs, the list can be used by other companies. As a general rule, the personnel are:

- Copies of educational documents (including all qualifications), identification documents;

- certificates and other documents confirming the changes in the employee ' s questionnaire (copy of the marriage certificate, INN, insurance certificate, birth certificate);

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