Data Storage

Example Of Data Storage

Corporate data storage systems

Пример DAS-системы хранения данныхThe information is the driving force of modern business and is now considered the most valuable strategic asset of any enterprise. The volume of information is increasing in geometric progress, along with the growth of global networks and the development of electronic commerce. Success in the information war requires an effective strategy for the storage, protection, sharing and management of the most important digital property, data, both today and in the near future.

The management of data storage resources has become one of the most sensitive strategic challenges facing the information technology divisions. As a result of the development of the Internet and the fundamental changes in business processes, information is accumulated at an invisible speed. In addition to the pressing challenge of ensuring that the volume of stored information can be continuously increased, the issue of reliability of data storage and continuous access to information is equally pressing. For many companies, access to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year has become a standard of living.

In the case of a separate PK, a separate internal hard drive or disk system can be understood under the data storage system (CDD). In the case of corporate CCC, three data storage technologies are traditionally available: Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Network Attach Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Network (SAN).

Direct Attached Storage (DAS)

DAS technology means direct (direct) connection of the reservoirs to the server or to the PK. The reservoirs (branch drives, ribbons) may be both internal and external.Пример кольца Fibre Channel с разделением доступа The simple case of the DAS system is one disk inside the server or PC. In addition, an internal RAID-mobile of discs using RAID controllers can be included in the DAS system.

It is worth noting that, despite the formal possibility of using the term DAS system in relation to single disk or inner disk arrays, the DAS system is understood to mean an external stand or a disk basket that can be considered as an autonomous CCD (Figure 1). In addition to independent feeding, these autonomous DAS systems have a dedicated controller (processor) to manage the reservoir. For example, RAID controller may act as such with the possibility of organizing RAID-massivists at different levels.

Rhys. 1. Example of DAS--data storage system

It should be noted that the Autonomous DAS systems can have several external input channels, which enables several computers to be connected to the DAS system simultaneously.

Пример NAS-системы хранения данных Типичная схема SAN-сети Классификация устройств трансляции Система хранения данных Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E

See also:
  • нужна ли виза в китай

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