Data Storage

Virtual Data Storage

Virtualization of data storage systems

Уровни виртуализацииVirtualization provides users with many advantages, most of which:

  • Better use of accessible disc space;
  • Simplified management, high productivity;
  • powerful data remediation tools.

Server level

Virtualization can be done at server level with a software permanently located on the server and independent of the reservers. With this software, the operating system forces the server to act as if it was linked to a specific type of storage device, although the server actually maintains a connection to the virtual disk. Virtualization at the server level can be used both inside and outside the SAN. This mechanism is characterized by limited ability to interact with hardware or programme components.Гибкость виртуальных дисков. Virtual Replicator is available in Compaq SANworks Virtual Replicator. In this product, virtualization helps to organize a pool of microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows NT. This is an effective solution for primary-level systems, as it is quite simple to implement and use.


Virtualization at the network level is better known. It is commonly used in open SAN media with both traditional and virtualized storage systems.Динамическое расширение. New Compaq VersaStor technology applies to all levels of the network Data storageincluding the level of the SAN network structure. VersaStor can serve as the main means of asymmetrically combining the reservoirs into a common pool within the SAN environment. This virtualization technology was the foundation of the Compaq Open SAN initiative. It was specifically designed as a de facto standard for the virtualization of storage systems at the network level.

System level

At this level, virtualization is based on disktop controllers who work independently of the mainframe (host). Disk controllers support the creation of virtual disk, instant copies of the system and cloning of data in collaboration with the software manager. The centralized management of the virtualization process is carried out by SAN Management Appliance and the Web browser.

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