Data Storage

Data Storage And Retrieval Technology

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Конспект урока информатики для 11 класса по теме: «Система The successful response to the test tasks of this section requires: knowledge of the terminology related to databases, database management systems (BMS) and their design and operation; the ability to create and change the database structure, input and edit data; and the ability to build and read database requests using logical language, drawing on mathematical knowledge;

- The ability to sort the database ' s records using knowledge of standard algorithms of the sorting software.

Examples of training tests

1. Database management system is:1) Applied programme for the processing of texts and various documents;2) Programme system supporting data filling and manipulation;3) Operative system sheath to handle files;4) A software kit that ensures the operation and access of all computer hardware.2. Database is:1 Specially organized and stored externally, a combination of interlinked data on a certain object;2) Completeness of programmes for the storage and handling of large amounts of information;3) Interface supporting data filling and manipulation;4) A certain set of information. Structured data in certain Names:1) Electronic table;2) Database;3) Marked List;4) Multilevel list.4. The relay database may be presented in the form..1) of Hypertext;2) Algorithm;3 the hierarchical catalogue;4) Tables.5. The main focus for the storage of information in the relaying databases is:3) Request; (4) Table;6. Single data in Access is called:1) Blanca;4) Report;7. The line describing the characteristics of the table element is called:2) Blanca;3) Closure 8. Relay databases call:1) Cell;2) Table;3) Name of field;4) Table 9. The relay database (OBD) field may include:1) Only time for the establishment of records; (2) Both numerical and textual data simultaneously;3) Records only;4) Data for only one type.10. The relay database (OBD) record can contain:1) Heterogeneous information (data of different types);2) Exclusive uniform information (made only);3) Text information only;4) Exclusively numerical information. 11. The structure of the relay database (OBD) file is fully defined:1) List the names of the fields with their width and types;2) List field names and number of OBD records;3) Content of records stored in OBD;5) Number of entries in OBD. The relay database structure changes at:1) Disposal of one or more fields;2) Disposal of one or more records;3) Removal of all base records;6) Adding new records. Decision: One of the characteristics of databases is the structure of the data organization. Databases using the tabular method of data organization are called relay. The lines of the table are referred to as notes and the columns are the fields. The name, type and width shall be indicated for each field of the table. The type of field defines the many values that can be taken in the column as well as the many allowed transactions with these data and the form of internal presentation in the computer memory. Thus, the structure of the table depends directly on the number of fields and their types. Field removal has led to a change in the database structure. 13. There is a database. How many fields are there?
14. Database available (see assignment 13). How many numerical fields are there? A " business " database has been submitted. What kind of guy has a division?
(1) Innumerable;2) Simple; (4) Number with floating point. 16. How many records are in the database?
Operational memory
17. Database available (see assignment 16). How many symbolic fields are there? A search condition may be given by:1) Only arithmetic expression;2) Simple row;3) Simple or complicated logical expression;4) I'll call you back. The CBD search keys are called:1) The OBD record range in which search is conducted;2) Logistical terms defining the terms of search;3) Areas that are searchable;4) The records that meet the search conditions. 20. A field whose value is not repeated in various records is called:1) Composite key;2) Name of field;3 Type of field;4) Main key.21. The process of streamlining the records in the table is called:1) Equate; (2) Filtration;3) Sorting;4) Construction.22. They call:1) Partial stance process for a multiplicity;2) Any process of reconfiguration of elements of a multiplicity;3) Sampling process for multipliers satisfying the given condition;4) Linearization process of a multiplicity 23. The table presents a fragment of the consultation database. Indicate the primary key of the table:1) Date + time;2) Date + time + class + object;3) Date + time + object;4) Date = time + class. Decision: The primary, or the main, core of the database is a field or a group of fields by which the recording can be clearly identified. The value of the primary key should not be repeated from different records. The field team, Date + time, shall file records with the same values (2 and 3, 4 and 5), shall not be the primary key. Notes 2 and 3 also have the same values for the field group, the date + time + item, and the entries 4 and 5 for the field group, the date + time + class + subject makes it possible to clearly identify any record. 24. Database available:
In the Ivan database submitted, the number-25 line will be maintained after the growing Class field. What records will be found in the database after searching the field Operational Remembrance with condition stat32?
Vinchester volume
26. What line will Pentium III record (see assignment 25) be taken after depreciation of operational memory?27? A database on the " Manual " is provided.
Ivannikov P.P.
After grading the field, I.O. ' s surname will be changed to:1) 1 row upwards;2 1 line down;3) 2 rows upwards;4) Don't move. Decision: It should be borne in mind that the classification of symbolic fields occurs in the lexicogram according to the table of ASCII codes. The gap has code 32 and less than any code of the letter of the Russian and Latin alphabet. Therefore, Ivanov I.C. is above the list of Ivanov A.P. The disserted table has a type
28. After depreciation of the reference database from the 27 field mission, I.O., in order of decommissioning, the record containing the telephone information 384-15-, move to:1) 1 line up;2) 1 line downward;3) 2 lines upward;4) Not moving.29. What data field are the records managed?
(1) Name;3) Telephone; Declaration: The records are streamlined to decommission the field of the street.30. The records in the database are organized in the field (semis):
Distance, thousands of km
(1) Year of output;4) Mark and colour.31. A " car sales " database has been submitted. After the grading, the MERCEDES500 vehicle was moved to one line down. The sorting was carried out in order:
(1) The increase in the field of the price; (2) the loss of the field of the Prodano;3) the increase in the field of the Model; (4) the loss of the Zen field.32 Dana has a relay database containing information on sports school educators.
Formulate a search condition that gives information about all tennis over 13 years:1) (Sport=tennis) and (Saturprix13);2) (Pol=Jen. ) And (Sport=tennis) and (Rostaupri13);3) (Sport=Tennis) OR (Pol=gen. ) and (Rostaveur13);4) (Paul=gen. ) And (Sport=tennis) OR (Rostaupri13).1. First September, Information, No. 15, 2005.2. Zaborowski, G.A., Puptsev, A.E. 11th class. Class 11 training manual. Minsk. BGU Publications Centre, 2011.3.

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