Personal Data Storage Order

Personal employee data - This is a person-specific information required by the employer in connection with labour relations. Legislation provides for a number of duties to obtain, store, transfer and protect personal data of employees. The employer should be guided not only by the provisions of the Russian Federation TC and the federal laws, but also by a local act to be in each organization. This local act is the Personal Data Regulation.
Article 3 states that personal data are any information relating directly or indirectly to a designated or defined individual. Personal data include: surname, name, paternity, age; education, place of residence, family status, nationality, religious and political convictions, sexual orientation, etc.
In the area of labour relations, the personal data of the worker are only those that are required by the employer in connection with labour relations. These are information on education, skills, health status (for certain activities), availability of children and income (for replacement of public service posts). The employer is not entitled to request information from the worker, such as his religion or nationality, in order not to violate the right to privacy.
By force St. 85 RF TC The employer is processing Workers ' personal datawhich includes actions to obtain, store, transfer or otherwise use them. In addition, the employer must ensure that they are protected from misuse, loss in accordance with the procedure established by the FFTC. (P.) 7 Art. 86 FC) and other federal laws, by their means.
Custody and processing of personal data is generally carried out simultaneously with the electronic storage system and on paper-based media. What data in a particular organization are to be stored and processed as personal who have access to such data as their protection against unauthorized access is provided for in the Personal Data Regulation (hereinafter the Regulation), which is to be developed in each organization.