Development Of A System For The Storage And Processing Of Distributed Data

Engineering infrastructure.
TopS BI is designing CRO components, including designing infrastructure landscapes to support enterprise resource-intensive applications, assessing company risks associated with the CRO architecture.
Engineering infrastructure design and implementation
TopS BI develops engineering infrastructure based on TIA-942 recommendations. In accordance with the needs of modern organizations, physical threat assessment, risk analysis of corporate data security, post-disaster information systems recovery planning for business continuity (Data Disaster Recovery Plan for Business Continuity) is also under way.
The concept of Network-Critical Physical Infrastructure (NPCI) is used in the development of the engineering infrastructure. Main components of engineering infrastructure:
- Electricity,
- conditioning,
- physical location of CRO components
- Physical security (Video surveillance systems, access control)
- fire protection,
- cable infrastructure.
Integrating NPCI elements is an opportunity to reduce the cost(s) of resources, increase the level of resource management. TopS BI uses the equipment of world leaders of this market segment to build engineering infrastructure. Details
CRO network infrastructure
TopS BI is implementing the CRO network infrastructure, including the following main components:
- IP-networks,
- Optical networks,
- data storage network♪
- Network security equipment,
- Productivity monitoring and network management tools,
- optimizing the load and productivity of the applications.
Computing infrastructure, data warehouses and archives
TopS BI infrastructure landscapes are developed by TopS BI specialists, using the best global practices on the optimization of ODE calculations, server virtualization technologies and consolidation of calculations. The application of these technologies allows applications and network services to be located on a smaller number of servers while maintaining scale and reliability, significantly reducing the cost of holding server equipment, moving to a single platform, enabling the storage and processing of the most important data on isolated virtual servers.
See also: