Data Storage

Law On The Storage Of Data In The Ruff

Personal Data Maintenance Act
Закон о хранении персональных данных в РоссииSome call this law a return to the iron curtain and a late reflexion to change the information space. Others are associated with strengthening positions and further developing the capacity of domestic IT companies. The authors of the amendments insist that the new law will protect the rights of Russian citizens in the processing and storage of personal data. To explain what business and common users will have to deal with in the near future, we have contacted the manager of the Global Office Martynova Christine.

Today, the laws of 242-FZ and 152-FZ for hearing from many. Over the past few months, they have become sharp battle zones in the discussions of businessmen, Ayishnikov and ordinary deaths. The Federal Act 242-FZ, adopted last July, established for all participants involved in the processing and processing process. Personal data storageNew rules. One of the main innovations was the text of Law 152-FZ on Personal Data, which was supplemented by the requirement that, as of 1 January 2016, Rossian personal data be stored on servers in the Russian Federation:

When compiling personal data, including through the Intranet information and telecommunications network, the operator is required to record, systematize, stockpiling, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction of personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation using databases on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In doing so, any action with data can be prohibited, until the computer is screened, if the physical databases are " managed " abroad. It is true that neither parliamentarians nor the Roscoe Surveillance have so far responded to the question of what is specifically meant by data extraction, their systematization and the database itself.

The content of the new term " person providing information processing in the information and telecommunications network, including the Internet " , introduced into the Information, Information Technology and Information Protection Act 149-FZ, remains even more vague. Who is entitled to this status and what are the legal signs of such a person? It may be possible that legislative flights will be dealt with by the alleged violation. In this case, judicial practice will help to clarify the letter of the law. But again, it is not clear on what basis the trial will begin, by the treatment of Roscundsor or any other person.

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