Data Storage

Storage Of Sessions In The Database

Administrator. modules

User sessions are stored in the server ' s file system on default. You can see that on the page. Storage of sessions in the database (Development of the main city hall)

Хранение сессий в базе данных

With one single web server, this method of storing sessions is most convenient. Its main plus is the highest productivity (as the various load tests show, the velocity of the website ' s pages in storage in the base is reduced by 3-5 per cent).

However, in dealing with several web servers, it is possible that one user request (e.g., directly authorizing) has been placed on one server and the next or any other requests on other servers where the visitor is not yet authorised. Such situations would give rise to a number of inconveniences for visitors to the site. Also, if the sessions are stored, visitors ' statistics will not be accurately maintained.

The user session should be transparent for all web servers. It is therefore recommended that the storage of sessions be included in the database.

Incorporation of user sessions ' data storage facility in the database is done through the button Data storage sessions in the OBD module.

Attention! All users will lose the authorization (the sessions will be destroyed) if the session is changed.

Note: To reduce the pressure on the database and ensure the transparency of the session, sessions may not be stored, but instead may be built and used in the database. nginx ip_hash.

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